Thursday, August 31, 2006

little man soon to big burn

on sunday--
to celebrate equinox, and
harvest the juicy
fruits of summer

no desert,
just back to basics,
squatting with the pulse-pounding
surf beyond,
we are every drop of water
we are every grain of sand

i say goodbye to the baby
i say goodbye to pain
i say goodbye to my human childhood
i say goodbye to the habits that held me there
and, finally,

with fire power and destruction
like a phoenix
i will rise, and

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

jesus is a jack and coke

her: "so i'm worried that he's just using me as a rebound from this girl."

me: "he can't have been that close to her. this guy is really cool, right? anyone who is that out of touch with herself, she runs off and finds jesus and breaks up with him because he hasn't accepted christ into his heart, anyone who is that spiritually weak, he can't have been that close to."

her: "yeah but they went out for a long time, like nine months. that's a long time for someone you don't really like that much."

me: "listen, jesus is the same as a double jack and coke as far as i'm concerned.

[friend starts laughing]

me con't: "bitch needed an opiate because she didn't want to deal with her shit, she didn't want to ask the big questions. this guy is a homie, so clearly all she was to him was pussy."

her: "thanks, dude. you better put that in your blog."

kundalini rising

four years coming, and
stuck in my sexus and plexus
for months
now rising...

not as intense a feeling
more subtle
love like a mother's
powerful and gentle

if this is what its like
to transcend

then i'm cool with it, luv

only by fully completely totally
your human-ness
can you get beyond it

which is just

luv ;)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

incubus or succubus?

in some legends, incubi and succubi were said not to be different genders of the same demonic "species," but the same demon able to change their sex; the idea being that a succubus would be able to sleep with a man and collect his sperm, and then transform into an incubus and use that seed on women. nevertheless their offspring were thought to be supernatural in many cases, even if the actual genetic material originally came from humans.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

this is where blue jinn lives

the twister coasted to a stop, and
climbing from her seat,
deliberately she walked
down the wooden stairs,
across the steaming asphalt,
through the turnstiles
to the parking lot.

she got in her car
and drove away,
leaving red jinn

leaving her difficult body
to the perverted uncles
the mexican shopkeepers and their wives
the drunken fraternity boys
the scared sorcerers

she gives to them
red jinn, and,
happily, they eat
with renewed vigor.

the ghost building

i swim the thick water
with the fey ones, tepid
meanderings in the pool
of dreams

in that short space between
waking and sleeping,
i traverse interdimensional
membranes, i swim

i caress the length of
this fluid sanctuary,
eternally here---
never questioning, always moving

in time with the endless thump
thump; i navigate the waves of each
little death

Monday, August 21, 2006

a spirit i encountered

it was foggy. i was walking to my car and a person who was not really a person was sitting in a convertible parked in the driveway of an apartment building. she looked like a 40-something black woman wearing a pink newsboy cap, but like i said she was not really a person. she said to me, "have a nice day." i turned to see who was talking and replied "thanks, you too," and she said "fix your tag." the tag on the collar of my t-shirt was sticking out.

Don Juan: You'll be in one piece again soon enough. You have not taken care of your body, for one thing. You're too fat. I didn't want to say anything to you before. One must always let others do what they have to do. You were away for years. I told you that you would come back, though, and you did.


F(a)eri(e) is a mystical path of spiritual development unlike any other. An initiatory mystery tradition of modern Witchcraft passed down by Victor & Cora Anderson and those who have been initiated in a lineage tracing back to them, it was first popularized by Starhawk in her book The Spiral Dance, as well as through the works of Gwydion Pendderwen. Hallmarks of the Feri tradition include shamanic practices, as well as specific symbolic, meditational and inner exercises. A highly personal path, it has old and strange roots that include influences or similarities such as Huna, Afro-centered spirituality, Celtic symbolism, sexual mysticism, esoteric Christianity, Middle-Eastern mysticism, ecstatic practice, and others.

the ancient spiritual systems

were once not secret...

then came the major religions - christianity, islam, judiasm, hindu, buddhism

exclusionary in their desire for total dominance,
they manipulate the weak and
attempt to annhiliate the strong,
accepting only complete submission
or death
in order to "civilize" the earth.

it's not about white men vs. [insert "minority" group name here],
either, although
that is the story; no, it takes two to tango, and
there are no victims.

can we really hold down our own spirit?
can we flush her face in the mud, make her breathe
the flesh of the earth from which she comes?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


audio alchemy vibrational healing frequencies
other dimensions
entered by
your intention
open yourself like a
to the present
can you
feel me?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

heart on ice

this is the most beautiful ice picture i've seen in some time.

i feel like i should say something about global warming the melting of the polar ice caps, some woeful lament that people are installing air conditioning within the arctic circle for the first time ever... but that shit is so depressing. and my pontification ain't gonna help.

what would i say???

people, stop breeding! the earth is strained enough.

people, stop buying! you already have enough stuff.

see, nobody's gonna listen ;)

i used to get so upset about environmental issues; i can feel the planet earth crying because humans have been so horrible to her. but i realized i was just hurting myself, too, raging against human destructiveness, when human nature is just naturally destructive.

(i can be destructive, too, but i am not human.)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


the paradox

is that sex is a physical act that allows one to transcend the physical

the great paradox

is that i am using concepts to free myself from concepts

Monday, August 14, 2006

canyon hike

temescal canyon weekend hike

this was a hot hike and we didn't make it to the pools which were probably dried up anyway. the best time to hike the santa monica mountains is in the winter and spring; especially in temescal canyon you can see tons of salamanders then.

salamanders are so cool.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

future you

my 85-year-old indian neighbor came to america during wwii on assignment for the british military ingelligence. her father was english and her mother indian; she ended up marrying a european man she met while in the states. she now lives in my building by the beach.

when i am with her, i am forced to slow down and move at her pace. there is no hurrying or rushing about in her world. her calm is contagious.

she has done yoga since she was a child, she says, and her flexibility and grace of movement puts my 30-something body to shame. yoga surely is one of the keys to her longevity. but she also simply loves life. one day i was in her apartment and a breeze started ruffling the blinds by her window and she said, "look, isn't that the most beautiful breeze?"

i believe her to be an enlightened being, and not just because her guru was the "grandson" of sri ramakrishna... but because she carries the light of love in her eyes. it radiates out and makes those of us blessed to be in her company comfortable, happy, and serene.

she told me that advanced souls are choosing to reincarnate in america and that young westerners are the positive change the earth needs.

she cites our spiritedness, our desire to "just have fun," and says the energy we embody is what will define human evolution. although the spiritual center of the world has been india for thousands of years, things are now shifting towards the west, and specifically america.

she believes that me and some of my friends are these old souls, but that we get distracted by the temptations of materialism.

maybe we westerners see a return to tribalism as the only viable option simply because it is a model we are familiar with.

what my neighbor envisions is something humans have not yet experienced. i don't think we will return to the ways of the past. if we did, it wouldn't be the future.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


the minister of
atmospheric delights
takes command
of the
waveforms like sonic song
beyond the
confines of
body and
mind or
nation conscious sensation
this moving meditation
awaken your eternal universe
the high priests and priestesses
harmonic convergence
enlighten the
true believers who....
transcend the earthly plane to the eternal energy flow
moving fast or slow as you glow and you grow
in this celestial celebration
sacred geometry the
waveforms transform your soul make you whole
let go of all you think you know
dive into the nothingness where
all that matters is
where god and spirit live as we
on this
heavenly body around the sun,
we melt into one.

deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper

luv ;)