Wednesday, May 30, 2007

there are angels

little white threads of light

Sunday, May 20, 2007

sex is as good a place to start as any

To truly arrive at the practical possibility of happiness, man would have to transform himself — transform himself physically. What does God compare to? In the first place, obviously, a woman’s pussy; but also perhaps the vapors of a Turkish bath. Something, at any rate, in which spiritual bliss becomes possible, because the body is sated with contentment, with pleasure, and all anxiety is abolished. I know now for certain that the spirit is not born, that it needs to be brought forth, and this birth is difficult, something of which we now have only a dangerously vague idea. When I brought Valérie to orgasm, when I felt her body quiver under mine, I sometimes had the impression — fleeting but irresistible — of attaining a new level of consciousness, where every evil had been abolished. In those moments of suspension, almost motionlessness, when the pleasure in her body mounted, I felt like a god on whim depended tranquility and storms. It was the first, most perfect, most indisputable kind of joy.

Michel Houellebecq - Platform

Thursday, May 17, 2007

ecology and repressed beauty

Great Mother Nature, as an archetypal feminine force, is struggling to provide our support, is perhaps slowly expiring, as is the human race. In a time of crisis where we need to care for her (and ourselves), it could be that phenomena such as crop circles are an attempt to stir our depths equal to the depths of ecological need. What animates the soul and keeps us truly alive is love and beauty, both of which are fast disappearing from our secularised, dispassionate lives. According to James Hillman, that the world is becoming loveless results 'directly from the repression of beauty2'. For love to return to the world, beauty must first return, else we love the world only as a moral duty. Clean it up, preserve its nature, exploit it less. If love depends on beauty then beauty comes first, as it does with the all-too-human experience of being driven to love by the allure of beauty. Arguably it is through the sheer beauty of crop circles, their magnificent aesthetic appeal, that a love of mystery and love of the world is beginning to rekindle. In eco-psychological terms, it is the return of a pagan philosophy and imagination.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

pelican medicine

hidden resources


big opportunity

renewed buoyancy and unselfishness; teaches how not to be overcome by emotion

bouyancy of life and how to ride the air currents of life. pelican teaches us to rest and relax in spite of life's heavy weight.

balances use of good fortune and abundance with responsibilities and priorities.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

tha pinkness

bright light descends on the forest