Tuesday, June 21, 2016


As I have said, Darwin's theory is more or less mechanical, material; it believes that somehow atoms and molecules combine together and led to life, but the religious view is that life was born out of the will of god, and the phenomenon of kundalini proves that evolution is planned, because man is already attempting to cross the barrier of his mind and to reach another dimension of consciousness. I should like to make this a little more clear; for thousands of years there has been an impulse in the human mind to know itself, to explain the mystery of creation, and all of us often ask ourselves, "What are we, what is this creation, how have we been born, what will happen after death?" What are these questions? These questions imply a thirst in man to go beyond the barriers of the intellect; the intellect has not been able to answer the question, "Who am I, whence I came, what will happen to me after death, what is this world?" Intellect is not even able to answer what matter is actually, and what mind is, what is consciousness? So these deep questions in the hearts of human beings imply that there is existing a thirst, a search, in his subconscious mind and even in his conscious mind, to see the ways and means to reach beyond the intellect, and this is where the mystics of all great nations have come forward to answer some of these questions. Their answer is, that there is a conscious reality, an intelligent power behind creation, and that with love, with devotion, with certain disciplines, with truth and with compassion, one can reach a state of mind where communion with this intelligent reality is possible. Science has nothing to say about it, because it only deals with the world which is perceptible to our senses.
-Gopi Krishna

Thursday, June 16, 2016