Tuesday, June 23, 2009

you have to be willing to be tested

and then be honest about it.

i know everybody loves to hate dr. phil but. he's right, if it makes you uncomfortable you can either fight it (lie) or accept it (be honest).

the whole concept of truth that is our bedrock gets turned on its head when you go about life this way. i think that's what's so scary about it. but that fear itself is a resistance.

is experiencing intimacy a way to become disentangled from oneself?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

there is no such thing as confusion,

only a refusal to understand.

Friday, June 05, 2009

anahata nada

We’re told that Anahata Nada, the unstruck sound, the unstruck vibrations, are actually a concept in the mind of God, that these unstruck vibrations are like an abstract mathematical concept in the mind of God.

Yogis practice a discipline, nada-yogis practice a discipline where they bring the energy up and listen to the sound inside their heads, the sound of the sixth and seventh chakras, and this is a preparatory exercise for finding a way out through the top of your head to meditate on the music of the spheres, the unstruck sound, the Anahata Nada. And the Anahata Nada is a concept in the mind of God, so when you go out and find that place, you’re actually inside the mind of God. And we can think of music as the language of God, all music. Now, what we speak in this language becomes interesting. We can say that folk music, popular music, rock, rap, it’s all the language of God.


last night while talking with my husband, i realized that there is no point to being aware that reality is an illusion. this was such a relief to me that i've been laughing for hours.