has been repeated so often that there is no room for doubt about its validity, and it tallies so clearly with the descriptions left by mystics and yogis as to yield no possibility of mistaking it for any other condition. The experience is genuine beyond question, but there is a difference in my recognition of it as compared to that accorded to it in the past. The variation lies in treating the manifestation not as a mark of special divine favour, vouchsafed to me in particular or earned by me as a reward for merit, but as an ever-present possibility, existing in all human beings by virtue of the evolutionary process still at work in the race, tending to create a condition of the brain and nervous system that can enable one to transcend the existing boundaries of the mind and acquire a state of consciousness far above that which is the normal heritage of mankind at present. In other words, instead of believing that the experience, in spite of its marvellous and sublime nature, denotes a subjective appreciation of ultimate reality, complete and whole, it represents to me an upward climb from one rung of the ladder of evolution to another.
Gopi Krishna