Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Kundalini can affect the sexual area in a variety of ways.
There may be short of prolonged periods of apathy or seeming lack of ability. There may even be frigidity, impotence, or complete lack of enjoyment. When the sexual area has been cleansed, however, the sexual energy may be transmuted and used for further cleansing and healing of the system. Sexual energy may be used for different purposes beyond the act of sexual union: creativity, greater mental abilities, enlightenment, inner strength, and joy of life. No longer a prisoner of sexual urges or blocks, one rediscovers sex as one of life’s means of expression. During Kundalini cleansing you need to accept yourself as a sexual being and recognize that the sexual energy is important to your spiritual development.
Homosexuality and lesbianism may appear as Kundalini energy brings about an androgynous state. The Kundalini forces people to deal with both masculine and feminine polarities. The feminine relates to the left side of the body, emotions and intuition, while the masculine relates to the right side of the body, logic and mental pursuits. Joining polarities through androgyny (developing both sides) allows high creative and spiritual forces to flow through the body; a person thus affected may experience homosexual or lesbian feelings. If, however, a person is already a homosexual or lesbian, then his or her energies may manifest temporarily as heterosexual.
-Genevieve Lewis Paulson
Homosexuality and lesbianism may appear as Kundalini energy brings about an androgynous state. The Kundalini forces people to deal with both masculine and feminine polarities. The feminine relates to the left side of the body, emotions and intuition, while the masculine relates to the right side of the body, logic and mental pursuits. Joining polarities through androgyny (developing both sides) allows high creative and spiritual forces to flow through the body; a person thus affected may experience homosexual or lesbian feelings. If, however, a person is already a homosexual or lesbian, then his or her energies may manifest temporarily as heterosexual.
-Genevieve Lewis Paulson