- Mukti
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
When you look without grasping, the whole universe is looking out of your eyes. It’s an opportunity to see what it is to move without a sense of a central me.
- Mukti
- Mukti
“The moment of awakening may be marked
by an outburst of laughter,
but this is not the laughter of someone
who has won the lottery or some kind of victory.
It is the laughter of one who,
after searching for something for a long time,
suddenly finds it in the pocket of his coat.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Keys
by an outburst of laughter,
but this is not the laughter of someone
who has won the lottery or some kind of victory.
It is the laughter of one who,
after searching for something for a long time,
suddenly finds it in the pocket of his coat.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Keys
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
step one: feel yourself breathing.
step two: feel the light pressure of your heart beating against your ribcage.
step three: feel the empty space behind your eyeballs.
step four: feel you as just you being you & be okay with it.
the end.
BY yumi sakugawa
step two: feel the light pressure of your heart beating against your ribcage.
step three: feel the empty space behind your eyeballs.
step four: feel you as just you being you & be okay with it.
the end.
BY yumi sakugawa
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Anyone can tell that echoes move forward and backward in time, in rings. But not everyone realizes that, as a result, silence becomes harder and harder for us to grasp—though in itself it is unchanged—because of the echoes pouring through us out of the past
W. S. Merwin via
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
i am having visceral dreams about birds again
and this song here sums up my feelings about the future.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
“Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they’re flowing to you. You concentrate on how you’re flowing. Because one who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful, more influential than a million who are not.”
- Abraham
"You do not need to convince people you are right, for that only draws you into power struggles with them. Nor do you need to be convinced that they are right. Being positive does not mean being blind. It means being willing to see the good in others and to turn the focus away from what is different or wrong (to you)." - Orin
(via nirvikalpa)
- Abraham
"You do not need to convince people you are right, for that only draws you into power struggles with them. Nor do you need to be convinced that they are right. Being positive does not mean being blind. It means being willing to see the good in others and to turn the focus away from what is different or wrong (to you)." - Orin
(via nirvikalpa)
subtle body
While the Eastern esoteric traditions emphasise a single subtle body (apart from the Vedantic concept of five koshas), in the West (beginning with Neoplatonism) the emphasis has often been on a series of subtle bodies or vehicles (okhema) of consciousness. This reached its most detailed and systematic account in the writings of C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who established the Adyar School of Theosophy. They described in detail the seven bodies, and established many of the themes that would be canonical in "new age" thought. The sequence of bodies or "vehicles" is as follows (from densest to most subtle):
Beyond the causal level are the atmic, buddhic, and monadic levels, but these pertain to the Soul or Spirit ("Higher Triad", "Monad") rather than the subtle body.In this worldview, the physical body is the densest, with the various subtle bodies being progressively more refined or spiritual. The subtle bodies exist alongside or within or around the physical, and have various characteristics and attributes.
Crystal Links
The Yogic, Tantric and other systems of India, the Buddhist psychology of Tibet, as well as Chinese (Taoist alchemy) and Japanese (Shingon) esoterism are examples of doctrines that describe a subtle physiology having a number of focal points (chakras, acupuncture points) connected by a series of channels (nadis, Acupuncture meridians) that convey life-force (prana, vayu, ch'i, ki, lung).
These invisible channels and points are understood to determine the characteristics of the visible physical form. By understanding and mastering the subtlest levels of reality one gains mastery over the physical realm. Through practice of various breathing and visualisation exercises one is able to manipulate and direct the flow of vital force, to achieve superhuman (e.g. in martial arts) or miraculous powers ("siddhis") and attain higher states of consciousness, immortality, or liberation.
- Dense physical body
- Etheric body
- Astral or emotional body
- Mental body (concrete mind)
- Causal body (abstract mind)
Crystal Links
The Yogic, Tantric and other systems of India, the Buddhist psychology of Tibet, as well as Chinese (Taoist alchemy) and Japanese (Shingon) esoterism are examples of doctrines that describe a subtle physiology having a number of focal points (chakras, acupuncture points) connected by a series of channels (nadis, Acupuncture meridians) that convey life-force (prana, vayu, ch'i, ki, lung).
These invisible channels and points are understood to determine the characteristics of the visible physical form. By understanding and mastering the subtlest levels of reality one gains mastery over the physical realm. Through practice of various breathing and visualisation exercises one is able to manipulate and direct the flow of vital force, to achieve superhuman (e.g. in martial arts) or miraculous powers ("siddhis") and attain higher states of consciousness, immortality, or liberation.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
“The collective unconscious surrounds us on all sides… it is more like an atmosphere in which we live than something that is found in us… Also, it does not by any means behave merely psychologically; in the cases of so-called synchronicity it proves to be a universal substrate present in the environment rather than a psychological premise. Wherever we come into contact with an archetype we enter into relationship with transconscious, metaphysic factors.”
- Carl Jung
- Carl Jung
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Crone Years
Contrary to the sanctions of a culture
that worships and glorifies youth
The crone years are not simply
the interlude between life and death
Oh no!
These are her omnipotent years
These autumnal years
when her womb is fallow
but she continues to give birth
from her fruitful creative self
Her nurturing spirit comes not from hormones
but from her wisdom of choosing to live fully
Both her inner and outer vision see new possibilities
Her awareness of her connectedness
to all of creation
is enhanced
She cherishes the poignancy of the sunrise
on the horizon of each new day
She embraces the quiet of the darkness time
when she shares her harvest of life stories
This is the legacy she bequeaths
Be who you are
Trust who you are today
Judith TreeCrone
Friday, September 09, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
“If the world is code, then it can be hacked. It permits magick because it says, behind the laws of physics, is a deeper level and if you can reach that deeper level, you can make changes there.”
- Terence McKenna
- Terence McKenna
"Ecstasy is our very nature; not to be ecstatic is simply unnecessary. To be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs great effort to be miserable. That’s why you look to tired, because misery is really hard work; to maintain it is really difficult, because you are doing something against nature."
- Osho
- Osho
“When you meet a being who is centered you always know it. you always feel a kind of calm emanation. it always touches you in that place where you feel calm.”
- Ram Dass
- Ram Dass
“Increased meditative states flush toxins out of the liver. The body will also shed its toxicity automatically when major transformations happen.”
- Almine
- Almine
“One day, through my prayers, an overwhelming amount of love started flowing into me, filling up the dark hole that threatened to consume me. I suddenly realized that what I was feeling was the love of the Earth, the love of Creation. Every day we, as a species, do so much to destroy Creation’s ability to give us life. But that Creation continues to do everything in its power to give us life anyway. And that’s true love.”
- Julia Butterfly Hill, The Legacy of Luna
- Julia Butterfly Hill, The Legacy of Luna
The 7 Hermetic Principles:
THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE (As above, so below; as below, so above.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION (Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY (Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM (Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT (Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER (Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.)
via sexdeathrebirth
THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE (As above, so below; as below, so above.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION (Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY (Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM (Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT (Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.)
THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER (Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.)
via sexdeathrebirth
“Sexual energy, or eros, is life-force that permeates all of creation and is part of the joyfulness of life creation. It is exactly the opposite of thantos- the force leading to death. For too long, our culture has dwelt on thantos, without balance from eros. It has taught us to fear, denigrate, and suppress our own eroticism, when we should be allowing its natural expression to live fully and healthfully.”
- Christiane Northrup MD (Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom) (via sex-death-rebirth)
- Christiane Northrup MD (Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom) (via sex-death-rebirth)
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011
no beliefs, no ego, no nothing = boring
To literally have no beliefs is impossible from what I can tell. A belief in the Present, or in the Light, or the Now, or in having No Beliefs At All -- those are still beliefs.
The way I understand it, you can be in the Now and still hold conscious thoughts about the past and the future. It's how those thoughts affect you emotionally that determines your level of "presence." Do you recall the past or dwell on it? Do you anticipate the future or worry yourself sick about it?
All emotions are healthy if they are experienced in the present. This is why it's misguided to consider "negative" emotions like anger and sadness to be somehow undesirable. We are perfect as we are, its our judgments and attachments to those emotions that get in the way.
We are all born with shamanic abilities (not necessarily tendencies though).
If we reach a critical mass of people who understand that we literally create our own individual realities, there will no longer be a need to designate specific people in the tribe as holding magical abilities. Our definition of magic will evolve. Western society with its emphasis on egalitarianism will be instrumental in this phase of human evolution, despite the fact that historically our society has behaved like a pack of destructive bully-apes.