Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
“Puer aeternus is Latin for eternal boy, used in mythology to designate a child-god who is forever young; psychologically it refers to an older man whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level. The puer typically leads a provisional life, due to the fear of being caught in a situation from which it might not be possible to escape. He covets independence and freedom, chafes at boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable.”
mantra of the medicine buddha
Sanskrit Pronunciation
Tibetan Pronunciation
Ra-dza Sa-mung-ga-te So-ha!
Tibetan Script

When you say you sit for meditation, the first thing to be done is understand that it is not this body identification that is sitting for meditation, but this knowledge ‘I am’, this consciousness, which is sitting in meditation and is meditating on itself. When this is finally understood, then it becomes easy. When this consciousness, this conscious presence, merges in itself, the state of ‘Samadhi’ ensues. It is the conceptual feeling that I exist that disappears and merges into the beingness itself. So this conscious presence also gets merged into that knowledge, that beingness – that is ‘Samadhi’.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj
“The ancient intuition that all matter, all “reality,” is energy, that all phenomena, including time and space, are mere crystallizations of mind, is an idea with which few physicists have quarreled since the theory of relativity first called into question the separate identities of energy and matter. Today most scientists would agree with the ancient Hindus that nothing exists or is destroyed, things merely change shape or form; that matter is insubstantial in origin, a temporary aggregate of he pervasive energy that animates the electron.”
- Peter Matthiessen
- Peter Matthiessen
“The more and more each is impelled by that which is intuitive, or the relying upon the soul force within, the greater, the farther, the deeper, the broader, the more constructive may be the result.”
- Edgar Cayce
- Edgar Cayce
“If you remain in the present moment, you will never get hurt. Forget about your past life. Forget about your future life. Unless you open your heart, unless you jump into the inner abyss, you are not going to become enlightened. Ultimately, you have to knock on your own door; you have to beg at your own door; you have to come back to yourself.”
- Hindu teaching
- Hindu teaching
“It`s always difficult. To feel, rather than to think, to tap into that source and let it come through you. It takes courage. Because we feel it and then we get scared and we analyze it. We live in this thought web, we identify things and put them away and distance ourselves from them. But to be completely present? That is source, that is art, that is spirituality. And meditation is a way to defy fear and experience that source.”
- Ben Foster
- Ben Foster
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
"Westerners are fond of the saying ‘Life isn’t fair.’ Then, they end in snide triumphant: ‘So get used to it!’
What a cruel, sadistic notion to revel in! What a terrible, patriarchal response to a child’s budding sense of ethics. Announce to an Iroquois, ‘Life isn’t fair,’ and her response will be: ‘Then make it fair!’ This is the matriarchal approach to learning."
- | Barbara Alice Mann, Iroquois woman |
What perfect lyrics. LOL
Love you
Love you
Ohh no...
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you..
Love you
Love you
Ohh no...
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you
Love you..
“You are the first among the gods, the timeless spirit, the resting place of all beings. You are the knower and the thing which is known. You are the final home; with your infinite form you pervade the cosmos.”
- Bhagavad Gita 11:38 (via misterqlloyd)
- Bhagavad Gita 11:38 (via misterqlloyd)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunyata, the void.
Become like a crystal,
crystal clear,
totally receptive to the passage of light.
In the crystal the molecules have aligned themselves
in such a manner as to enable light waves to pass.
Matter has adapted itself to becoming transparent to light
instead of visualizing translucent angels,
discover your own ability to let light pass through
your physical body.
Become non-solid.
Let the breeze blow through you
the light pass through you
(pir vilayat inayat khan)
Become like a crystal,
crystal clear,
totally receptive to the passage of light.
In the crystal the molecules have aligned themselves
in such a manner as to enable light waves to pass.
Matter has adapted itself to becoming transparent to light
instead of visualizing translucent angels,
discover your own ability to let light pass through
your physical body.
Become non-solid.
Let the breeze blow through you
the light pass through you
(pir vilayat inayat khan)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
دیگران را ببخش، نه به خاطر اینکه لایق بخششند، به خاطر اینکه تو لایق آرامشی
Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.she kissed
as if she, alone,
could forge
the signature
of the sun.
I closed my eyes
I never knew
the difference
I stood before
a brighter light
at a lesser distance
and then, a feeling. almost as if
nothing were ever bound to repeat
itself again. as if history had been as
masterfully created as the great
pyramids and any attempt to
reconstruct or relive any given
moment would have to stem from an
understanding of how the pyramids
were built from the
top down.
and if one could understand such majesty one
would also understand that kisses hold codes
for unlocking new portals and that pyramids
were first made of flesh
our bonded souls
shifting through
hidden corrals
and passageways
I will find my way
to eternity
within you
— Saul Williams
as if she, alone,
could forge
the signature
of the sun.
I closed my eyes
I never knew
the difference
I stood before
a brighter light
at a lesser distance
and then, a feeling. almost as if
nothing were ever bound to repeat
itself again. as if history had been as
masterfully created as the great
pyramids and any attempt to
reconstruct or relive any given
moment would have to stem from an
understanding of how the pyramids
were built from the
top down.
and if one could understand such majesty one
would also understand that kisses hold codes
for unlocking new portals and that pyramids
were first made of flesh
our bonded souls
shifting through
hidden corrals
and passageways
I will find my way
to eternity
within you
— Saul Williams
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
“In a state of grace, one sometimes perceives the deep beauty, hitherto unattainable, of another person. And everything acquires a kind of halo which is not imaginary: it comes from the splendor of the almost mathematical light emanating from people and things. One starts to feel that everything in existence—whether people or things—breathes and exhales the subtle light of energy. The world’s truth is impalpable.”—Clarice Lispector
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
“Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky, because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking to what people are saying about you. And you are always following other people, you are always trying to satisfy them. You are always trying to be respectable, you are always trying to decorate your ego. This is suicidal. Rather than being disturbed by what others say, you should start looking inside yourself.”
— | Osho thanks nirvikalpa for most of these quotes |
“Modern schools and universities push students into habits of depersonalised learning, alienation from nature and sexuality, obedience to hierarchy, fear of authority, self objectification, and chilling competitiveness. These character traits are the essence of the twisted personality-type of modern industrialism. They are precisely the character traits needed to maintain a social system that is utterly out of touch with nature, sexuality, and real human needs.”
— | Arthur Evans |
“When a man has reached the point where he can sit in meditation for six months, there is no need of eating, no need of latrine or of rest. Only one drop of amrit nectar from the top of the head to the body keeps him alive. If a tiger eats that body there is no care, but only when the life comes back to the body will there be pain.”
— | Neem Karoli Baba |
“The grave recieves you with love. Surrender yourself to the Earth. Return what was loaned to you. Give up your pleasure, your pain, your friends, your lovers, your life, your past, what you desire. You will know nothingness, it is the only reality. Don’t be afraid, it’s so easy to give. You’re not alone, you have a grave. It was your first mother. The grave is the door to your rebirth. Now you will surrender the faithful animal you once called your body. Don’t try to keep it, remember, it was a loan. Surrended your legs, your sex, your hair, your brain, your all. You no longer want to possess, possession is the ultimate pain. The earth covers your body, she came to cover you with love, because she is your true flesh. Now you are an open heart, open to receive your true essence your ultimate perfection. Your new body, which is the universe, the work of god. You will be born again, you will be real. You will be your own father, your own mother, your own child, your own perfection. Open your eyes, you are the earth, you are the green, you are the blue, you are the Aleph, you are the essence. Look at the flower, look at the flower, for the first time look at the flowers.”
— | Alejandro Jodorowsky |
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.”
— | Carl Jung |
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self, so therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”
— | Kahlil Gibran |
“One must seek the shortest way and the fastest means to get back home – to turn the spark within into a blaze, to be merged in and to identify with that greater fire which ignited the spark. Everyone is a God here including yourself and all the ones who are seated here. The state of mind should be like a lotus leaf, which though in water, with its stem in the mud and flower above, is yet untouched by both. Similarly, the mind should be kept untainted by the mud of desires and the water of distractions, even though engaged in worldly activities.”
Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri |