Thursday, May 31, 2012
“You are a worthy individual, no matter what your
past, no matter what your thoughts, no matter who believes in you. You
are life itself, growing and expanding and reaching upward. All people
are valuable, beautiful and unique. Every experience you have is meant
to teach you more about creating love in your life.”
— | Orin |
“So I say, if you are burning, burn. If you can
stand it, the shame will burn away and leave you shining, radiant, and
righteously shameless.”
— | Elizabeth Cunningham |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
“Get hold of the main thing that the world and the self are one and perfect. Only your attitude is faulty and needs readjustment. This process or readjustment is what you call sadhana. You come to it by putting an end to indolence and using all your energy to clear the way for clarity and charity. But in reality, these all are signs of inevitable growth. Don’t be afraid, don’t resist, and don’t delay. Be what you are. There is nothing to be afraid of. Trust and try. Experiment honestly. Give your real being a chance to shape your life. You will not regret.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj
“There is no God. But there is you. And you ARE. You ARE. You are the very God you have been conjuring up. ‘I exist’ is the only universal permanent self-evident experience of everyone. Nothing else is so self-evident as ‘I AM.’ I AM is all there is. In the beginning, before we even created the mind, I AM. I AM is above the mind so you must literally get out of your mind in order to remember what you have labeled ‘God.’”
— Ramana Maharshi
Love is the action of being in
the same space with other beings, which means that love is real, as real as we
are. Love is not a limited idea, it is something we do, ultimately with our
whole selves.
Perhaps many of us do not like it where
we are in the universe now, but we can all be certain that we got where we are
by our own decisions to expand in love or withdraw from it.
Thaddeus Golas
The purpose of existence is, quite simply, being as opposed to
I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know.
Each self, as part of All That Is, retains the memory of the state
of agony before their release into actuality, and so each consciousness is
driven toward survival, change, development and creativity.
There are answers to some questions that I cannot give you about
the origin of All That Is, for they are not known anywhere in the system in
which we have our existence.
Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing
arbitrary about their boundaries. Any personality can become an entity on its
own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its
When a race is in deepest stress and faced with great problems, it
will call forth someone like Christ. It will seek out and indeed from itself
produce the very personalities necessary to give it strength.
every young man refuses to go to war, you will have peace. You do not defend
any idea with violence.
As long as you fight for greed and gain, there will be no peace.
“I, too, overflow; my desires have invented new desires, my
body knows unheard-of songs. Time and again I, too, have felt so full of
luminous torrents that I could burst.”
-Hélène Cixous, The Laugh of the Medusa
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
“No one else has access to
the world you carry around within yourself; you are its custodian and entrance.
No one else can see the world the way you see it. No one else can feel your
life the way you feel it. Thus it is impossible to ever compare two people
because each stands on such different ground. When you compare yourself to
others, you are inviting envy into your consciousness; it can be a dangerous and
destructive guest.”
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
“Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.”
Walt Whitman
“I believe that imagination
is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams
are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That
laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than
R. Fulghum
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
“Thinking gives off smoke to prove the existence of fire.
A mystic sits inside the burning.
There are wonderful shapes in rising smoke that imagination loves to watch.
But it’s a mistake to leave the fire for that filmy sight.
Stay here at the flame’s core.”
A mystic sits inside the burning.
There are wonderful shapes in rising smoke that imagination loves to watch.
But it’s a mistake to leave the fire for that filmy sight.
Stay here at the flame’s core.”
— | Rumi |
“You know when sometimes you meet someone so
beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later
they’re as dull as a brick? Then there’s other people, when you meet
them you think, “Not bad. They’re okay.” And then you get to know them
and… and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality’s
written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful.”
— | Amelia Pond |
“Outer space is very much like what you see when you
close your eyes in a dark room. It’s a vast, unfilled void into
anything whatsoever can be projected.”
— | Terence McKenna |
You are not your body
“The ‘here’ is everywhere, and the now always. Go
beyond the ‘I-am-the-body’ idea and you will find that space and time
are in you and not you in space and time. Once you have understood this,
the main obstacle to realization is removed.”
— | Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj |
“You must remember, once more, that expectations are
the blocks with which you build your reality. There are no exceptions
to this rule.”
— | Seth, The Early Sessions |
“Desiring a state of freedom from desire will not
set you free. Nothing can set you free, because you are free. See
yourself with desireless clarity, that is all.”
— | Nisargadatta Maharaj |
Monday, May 14, 2012
“Love, therefore, can contain hate very nicely. Hatred can contain love and be driven by it, particularly by an idealized love. (Pause.) You ‘hate’ something that separates you from a loved object. It is precisely because the object is loved that it is so disliked if expectations are not met. You may love a parent, and if the parent does not seem to return the love and denies your expectations, then you may ‘hate’ the same parent because of the love that leads you to expect more. The hatred is meant to get you your love back. It is supposed to lead to a communication from you, stating your feelings—clearing the air, so to speak, and bringing you closer to the love object. Hatred is not the denial of love, then, but an attempt to regain it, and a painful recognition of circumstances that separate you from it. If you understood the nature of love you would be able to accept feelings of hatred.”
— | Seth, Nature of Personal Reality |
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
“Every moment of the day, for as much as you can, remember who you are. Remember the stars above and the power below. You are that. And every moment you touch that vastness, you will bring it that much more into your consciousness. You will begin to feel it as surely as you now feel limitation.”
— | Mary-Margaret Moore |
Friday, May 11, 2012
"Since consciousness forms matter, and not the other way around, then thought exists before the brain and after it."
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
“The eye projects and focuses the inner image (idea) onto the physical world in the same manner that a motion picture camera transfers an image onto a screen. The mouth creates words. The ears create sound. The difficulty in understanding this principle is due to the fact that we’ve taken it for granted that the image and sound already exist for the senses to interpret. Actually the senses are the channels of creation by which idea is projected into material expression.
The basic idea is that the senses are developed, not to permit awareness of an already existing material world, but to create it…”
-Seth via nirvakalpa
The basic idea is that the senses are developed, not to permit awareness of an already existing material world, but to create it…”
-Seth via nirvakalpa
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
“We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infinitesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation. We do not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience. We are therefore out of touch with reality. We confuse the world as talked about, described, and measured with the world which actually is. We are sick with a fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas.”
Alan Watts (via lucifelle)
Monday, May 07, 2012
These days,I sleep on cotton sheets and grow older everyday.
The spinning motion of the earth never quite feels like flying.
I listen to the musical notes of the banjo, saw and tamborine.
A man with your name called,
he did not call me son.
The differences between us
are most found
in the white space between verses
and the time it takes to climb a ladder.
I still have your eyes,
your hands,
and the same inability to feel “too” much.
I suppose that is my favorite thing about you.
I’d probably insert a namaste,
an aho,
a silent prayer.
What you’d do would have a different name,
but it wouldn’t be so different.
via yellowtulipfinch
“To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship.”
— | Domenico Cieri Estrada |
“Today a young man on acid realize that all matter
is merely energy condensed to a low vibration. That we are all one
consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing a
death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.
Here’s Tom with the weather.”
— | Bill Hicks |