Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
“If I say your voice is an amber waterfall in which I yearn to burn each day, if you eat my mouth like a mystical rose with powers of healing and damnation, If I confess that your body is the only civilization I long to experience… would it mean that we are close to knowing something about love?”
— Aberjhani, Visions of a Skylark Dressed in Black
Monday, September 17, 2012
Is something wrong
There's no resistance
My senses only partially respond
There's nothing wrong
Don't need assistance
I find that harmony's where I belong
Reality stares back at me
The greatest single thing that's never been
Reality stares back at me
The greatest single thing that's never been...
It turns out this moon, called Enceladus, is a snowball containing what may be a sea of liquid water, warmed by the squishes and stretches of Saturn and other moons that pass nearby (plus it may have a hot, rocky core.) All that gravity pushing and pulling on this little ball squeezes the liquid inside so it shoots up through some fissures at the top.
Nobody knew these fountains were there until the Cassini spacecraft flew near enough to Enceladus to find them.
“What angers us in another person is more often than not an unhealed aspect of ourselves. If we had already resolved that particular issue,we would not be irritated by its reflection back to us.”
— Simon Peter Fuller
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I am a woman, and I am proud of it. Anyone who tries to degrade me based on my sex is sure to get slapped in face - not with a hand, but rather with logic: People who don’t believe in equality between sexes are never intelligent people. Remember that. They believe the things they do not because it makes sense, but because they are bigots who choose ignorance over all else.
Thus, the kinds of men who tell you that just because you’re a woman, you have to act a certain way, or make a certain amount of money, or work a particular job, are not the kind of men any woman deserves to be with. This is natural selection. Sexist men are the kind of men who deserve never to know the love of a woman; only her sharp wit and immense scorn.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
“Don’t battle against hate, don’t say how terrible it is to hate people, but see hate for what it is and let it drop away; brush it aside, it is not important.”
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
Monday, September 10, 2012
i am posting this because it's a triangle instead of a square, and therefore in the context it makes sense
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Paralleling God-as-conjuror, hoodoo practitioners often understand the biblical figure Moses in similar terms. Hurston developed this idea in her novel Moses: Man of the Mountain, in which she calls Moses, "the finest hoodoo man in the world."[14] Obvious parallels between Moses and magic occur in the biblical accounts of his confrontation with Pharaoh in which he performed "miracles" such as turning his staff into a snake. However, his greatest feat of conjure was using his powers to help free the Hebrews from slavery. This emphasis on Moses-as-conjuror led to the introduction of the pseudonymous work the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses into the corpus of hoodoo magical reference literature.[15]
When it comes to divination systems, a few urban hoodoo and conjure
readers use
astrology and some read tea-leaves, palms, or cards -- but they are as
likely to use a deck of 52 playing cards as a tarot set -- and
they may call what they do "Gypsy fortune telling," a term that
came into wide use in the black community around World War Two.
The oldest form of hoodoo divination, "casting the bones" or
"reading the bones," is a direct survival of a West African
system of divination with bones. The American version, rarely
encountered in urban conjure or hoodoo practice today, uses a variety of chicken bones
or possum bones and maintains much the same form it had in
Africa. Another type of divination, in which a specially prepared
mojo hand called a Jack-ball
serves as a pendulum, is mainly consulted to determine whether one will
have luck in gambling at a given time.
Like European magic, hoodoo makes use of ritual candles, incense, conjure oils, and sachet powders -- to which are added, due to the African emphasis on footprint magic and spiritual cleansing, floor washes and spiritual baths. Unlike European-derived magic, however, the hoodoo formulas for these products have no high-flown Mediaeval or New Age names such as "Astral Powder" or "Oil of Jupiter" or "Serenity Incense." Instead, a hoodoo spell -- called a "job" -- consists of "fixing up" a mojo or prescribing a ritual for bringing in good luck or diagnosing metaphysical problems and then countering them. These metaphysical problems are called "conditions." The formulae for hoodoo oils, incense, sachet powders, floor washes, baths, and candles used to bring about luck and to "stop evil conditions" are named after the conditions themselves. Among these are such traditional and colourful titles as "Money Stay With Me", "Essence of Bend-Over", "Compelling", "Kiss Me Now", "Hot Foot", "Follow Me Boy", "Law Keep Away", "Fast Luck", "Court Case", and "Fiery Wall of Protection". These names have led many Caucasians trained in European herb-magic to think that hoodoo is "fake magic," but when the formulae themselves are examined, one will find remarkable similarities between, for example, neo-pagan "Oil of Venus" and hoodoo "Love Me Oil." This is not to say that all suppliers of hoodoo formulae deliver the herb-based products one hopes they will (any more than all manufacturers of neo-pagan formulae do), but hoodoo books on herb magic show that the knowledge base is comparable in scope and in seriousness of purpose.
Like European magic, hoodoo makes use of ritual candles, incense, conjure oils, and sachet powders -- to which are added, due to the African emphasis on footprint magic and spiritual cleansing, floor washes and spiritual baths. Unlike European-derived magic, however, the hoodoo formulas for these products have no high-flown Mediaeval or New Age names such as "Astral Powder" or "Oil of Jupiter" or "Serenity Incense." Instead, a hoodoo spell -- called a "job" -- consists of "fixing up" a mojo or prescribing a ritual for bringing in good luck or diagnosing metaphysical problems and then countering them. These metaphysical problems are called "conditions." The formulae for hoodoo oils, incense, sachet powders, floor washes, baths, and candles used to bring about luck and to "stop evil conditions" are named after the conditions themselves. Among these are such traditional and colourful titles as "Money Stay With Me", "Essence of Bend-Over", "Compelling", "Kiss Me Now", "Hot Foot", "Follow Me Boy", "Law Keep Away", "Fast Luck", "Court Case", and "Fiery Wall of Protection". These names have led many Caucasians trained in European herb-magic to think that hoodoo is "fake magic," but when the formulae themselves are examined, one will find remarkable similarities between, for example, neo-pagan "Oil of Venus" and hoodoo "Love Me Oil." This is not to say that all suppliers of hoodoo formulae deliver the herb-based products one hopes they will (any more than all manufacturers of neo-pagan formulae do), but hoodoo books on herb magic show that the knowledge base is comparable in scope and in seriousness of purpose.
The greatest taboo is the experience of ecstasy, the mystery of death, the release of our human separated reality and the unveiling of our multi-dimensional nature.
Sexual interaction involves enormous exchanges of energy.
Apart from the conscious reality of those who seem to be involved there is much more going on, which is what creates the energy. Most relevant forces are engaged in sexual activity, yet we miss their impact if sex is approached with lack of awareness.
The sexual union provides a multi-dimensional evidence of unity, encompassing the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual body.