Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ayn rand was a frigid bitch, there i said it

For the most part, American conservatives like their art to the extent that they perceive it will upset some ideal Liberal somewhere. This is why there are no "conservative" comedians--or, that there are (e.g. Limbaugh, Dennis Miller, ???), but that they're both embarrassingly unfunny, and the "joke" is that Jane Fonda is somewhere getting upset.

Same with "conservative" "literature".

Monday, April 29, 2013

“Kamsá Youth with the blossom of Culebra Borrachera, Sibundoy, June 1953. The tree daturas are among the most dangerous and toxic of all psychoactive plants. They contain tropane alkaloids that, though useful in the treatment of asthma, can in higher dosage induce a frightening state of psychotic delirium marked by burning thirst, nightmarish visions, a sensation of flight, and ultimately stupor and death. As true cultivars, these plants are always found in association with human habitation, in the domain of the shamanic healer.”

so what if nobody wants to read it

15-5-12 / You should not fit anywhere. You are a being, not a number, thing or a function. In power-hungry mentality civilization a natural state for wholeness of being a Human is - not to fit.
source: tomasorban

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Experiencing telepathy or ESP doesn't mean that one suddenly understands anything, or even knows anything.

For one thing, there is always the idea that just because one experiences premonitions, it could well be that in a few hundred years science will understand things about time that we don't understand now, and those of us tying our spiritual beliefs into telepathy might be seen as similar to those who believe that fire is somehow more spiritual than everything else, and that those that can produce fire are Godlike.

Also, there is a very strong case that can be made that if we are God, or that God like being that I experienced, and we are not awake, it is simply because we choose not to awaken.

And thus, we are intentionally the Sleeping1's. It almost has to be the case that we could wake up if that is what we really wanted. I believe that it is as you say and that all is right with the world and we are like we are by choice. Though I don't understand it either. 

-Sleeping1, 2006
still love him.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Monday, April 01, 2013

life is like a carnival ride

and you can't control it
any more than you can
a carnival ride. and
sometimes it's really fun
and sometimes it's really
scary, but either way
you can't control it.
people are who they are.
what use is it to get angry at
people; your anger is not
going to change them.
you could scare someone
into changing - in front of
you - but it won't be
heartfelt and it won't be

there is really nothing
you can do. except learn
how to deal with others -
people who are stupid, inept,
lazy, etc., without doing harm
to yourself.

your anger never hurts anyone
more than it hurts yourself.
this is true for all kinds
of anger, even the protective
kind, even the righteous
kind. it's a matter of how
much and how often and for what
to hurt yourself. Someone
hurting your loved one might
be an okay situation to get
angry. Railing against all
the dumbasses at your job
and on the road,
where your anger becomes
predictable and frequent,
is going to have a toxic
and cumulative effect.

So you will create different
difficult circumstances for yourself
to learn from. You may
conquer and change parts
of yourself, your work may
pay off immensely but there
will always be work to be

health Rx

sip hot water with lemon in the morning
drink enough water
take sunlight and fresh air
do yoga and stretch
eat good, whole foods
get your vitamins, herbs, teas
love people
love everything

remember that day

in venice on the beach and around it,
when the sandwich man was so stoned
that we left the store mid-schmear,
only to fnd the whole foods in chaos.

nevertheless, we had only one fight,
which unfortunately led to a run-in
to the liquor store everyone hates
and tries to avoid but never does

i guess once on the beach what can you say?
it's the summer beach. kids, waves, sprinkle sparkle
squealing love light thugs and positive ions.

he didn't seem to notice but i thought they looked weird
right off the bat. the young man with felt hat in full summer,
feather in it, full beard, brown clothes,
and she looking like a cambodian sex slave.

they set down their baby car seat, adjused blankets over it,
she stripping to shaggy unmatched bikini, fussing clothes
and blankets over bassinet, while man, shirt now removed,
squinted out to sea.

with the telepathic language of soul mates in which
nothing audible is uttered, he told her go first, and,
smiling like she'd never had a job nor known she'd ever need one,
she crashed through the waves with double-jointed butterfly strokes.

he was gone too when i looked over, moving more slowly
and not smiling, but entering the sea. within seconds, both of them
were gone.

remember that day? and later on, at dinner, when we didn't get the salad
it turned out we didn't want?